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Specializing in diet and athletic training programs to fit your personal needs.

"Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food."


Meet Lya Wodraska


I am C.H.E.K Practitioner and Holistic Lifestyle Coach Lya Wodraska.  A new perspective on health discovered through the C.H.E.K Institute helped me lose almost 30 pounds and achieve a level of health and vitality previously unknown to me.




Lya Wodraska, Holistic Lifestyle Coach

About Core Matters SLC


At Core Matters SLC I help you achieve your optimum level of health by getting to the core of your needs.  I can help you hone your diet, address physical deficiencies through corrective exercise programs, and prepare for a specific athletic event or sport by designing strength and conditioning programs. 

Online Training


While not a replacement for hands-on training, our online  training application is ideal during this unusual time. 


I customize individual plans for nutrition and exercise, including cardio, as well as upload filmed exercises making it easy to follow your workout.  




Core Services


Now is the time to stay on top of your health.  Let one of our  adapted proven programs help you with your fitness and nutrition goals.


Athletic Training & Physical Wellness Program


Dietary Wellness Program


Golf Specific Program




Pre/Post Natal 


There is no reason a normal pregnancy should lead to chronic physical issues!  My goal is to fill a gap in what I see as vital prenatal and postnatal health care for child-bearing women.


This program can be done entirely online using video conferencing and our online training application.


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Our Online Store
is Always Open!
Assessments & Training​

I offer a variety of dietary and physical assessment and training plans.  Pick one that works best for you or contact me about customizing a plan that fits your lifestyle and budget!

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Lotions & Potions for Adventurers


I firmly believe food is the best preventative medicine we have available to avoid ailments, aches and pains.  However  sometimes our body needs a little help, so I created my own line of nourishing Lotions & Potions.

Nourishing Lotions and Potions for Adventurers

We contribute 10% of our yearly L&P4A profits to support animal welfare and environmental protection.

Thank you Paul Chek for your support!  Take a look at Paul's mention of

Lotions and Potions for Adventurers 

in his blog post.


Core Matters SLC

(801) 631-0995

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